Siddhartha Book Review

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I loved this book!

I recently completed reading Hermann Hesse’s Siddhartha and I absolutely loved it. I think how I feel about this book also has to do with the fact that I knew next to nothing about what the story entailed and was therefore able to become fully enthralled by its novelty.

The book Siddhartha follows a man’s journey to self- discovery. Siddhartha is the son of a brahmin and it is believed that he will become a great spiritual leader among his people. However, the rituals of his community seem to be worthless to him. People are always making sacrifices and engaging in ablutions but they never actually become what they seek.

He decides to leave his neighborhood and become a samana. His friend, Govinda decides to trek this path along with Siddhartha. Samanas are dedicated to a;ives of severe self- discipline in hopes of self- actualizing. During their time as samanas, they learn great skills, however, there is a want for more. A man named Gotama is said to be revered, a great and holy leader with many followers. Siddhartha and Govinda decide to try to hear Gotama’s teaching. Govinda was easily impressed with what Gotama had to say and pledged to follow him but not Siddhartha. This disappoints Govinda but Siddhartha is resolute that he cannot follow Gotama despite his unmatched respect for the man. Siddhartha knows the level Gotama has reached is not because of teachings but rather because of his own experiences. Siddhartha believes he has to discover his own path and not be taught it.

With this, Siddhartha decides to head to a city where he winds up living a rich and indulgent life. He also becomes involved with  a woman named Kamala, however, he does not love this way of life. He returns across the river and lives a simple life and realizes that every aspect of life works together. Time is a man- made construct and everything engages with the other. He learns that words are meaningless and pales in comparison to real life experiences. He also learns that everyone has to live their own path and a parent’s best efforts cannot keep a child from needing to make their own mistakes and therefore learn their own lessons. Meanwhile, we see Govinda constantly needing direction.

I think the book is a book everyone should read. It is a whirlwind of adventure and quite profound. I think this book can help us to realize our own path. I remember being like Govinda and constantly reaching out my hand for someone and something to guide me but I realized the best guide is me. I also learnt that despite my best efforts, I can never be separated from who I truly am.

Insecure Better-Like Review

Image result for insecure season 3 better like

Picture from Complex

So Insecure season 3 is finally here. YAY! I must admit I was doubtful of how excited I would be about the show’s return as I didn’t feel any type of urge to re- watch old episodes and keep the interest burning. However, now that the show is back so is my engrossment in the show.

So the first season is called, Better- Like and we find out why- the lead characters are trying to do better…sorta, kinda. Continue reading